#analysis (1)

New Measurement for Recovery Programme (M4R)


LGC is a UK National Measurement Laboratory and as such, is involved in a new initiative called the Measurement for Recovery Programme (M4R).

The aim is to help boost resilience and competitiveness by bringing together the UK’s top scientists and facilities with companies, to address problems in innovative ways. The programme can help solve analysis or measurement issues that cannot be resolved using standard technologies and techniques.

The programme can help industry with a range of challenges through:

  • Provision of measurement and analysis expertise
  • Investigation of the feasibility of concepts and validation of products and processes
  • Supporting of new products and services which directly help the national response to COVID-19
  • Helping cost reduction or improved productivity
  • Increased product reliability and mitigation of in-service costs
  • Advice on standards and regulatory needs.

M4R is open to all registered UK companies and can provide expert advice and support for projects of up to 20 days from partner National Measurement Laboratories, at no charge.

 If you are interested, then please contact measurement@lgcgroup.com for further information.


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