A new book by Prof Richard Evershed and Nicola Temple entitled "Sorting the Beef from the Bull" is a collection of food fraud tales from around the world. It explains the role of science in uncovering some of the century's biggest food scams, and explores the arms race between food forensics and fraudsters as new methods of detection spur more creative and sophisticated means of committing the crimes. This book equips us with the knowledge of what is possible in the world of food fraud and shines a light on the shady areas of our food supply system where these criminals lurk.

A short article on the book can be found at: http://www.newfoodmagazine.com/22494/blogs/sorting-the-beef-from-the-bull/

Details of contents etc: http://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/sorting-the-beef-from-the-bull-9781472911339/

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